And…we’re back!

Hello everyone! Nearly everything is back to normal. Since December, I’ve noticed a noticeable increase in the quantity of reservations that I receive. I’m crossing my fingers! I do miss being busy.

A few things have changed: Our website has been updated, something I’ve been putting off since last summer. I was inspired after watching the TED Talk about procrastinating! However, I regret that I only transferred half of my reviews because I inadvertently messed up the dates when I imported the older customer reviews from my website. To be completely honest, I don’t know how to fix it.

I was asked to provide return postage on multiple occasions, and the answer is yes, it’s coming. I’m also looking into simplifying the fulfillment process, reconsidering my pricing strategy because postage isn’t getting any less expensive, and resuming the advertisements close to the end of the year.

For now, that’s it! I am grateful for new and returning consumers during the pandemic (2020–21). Your continued support of my little business in spite of the pandemic means the world to me.