CARES harness rental is not only convenient, but highly economical.
Since CARES is recommended for kids between 22 and 44 pounds (10 and 20 kilograms) in a forward-facing seat, the harness’ use is generally limited to children between one and four years old. Unless you are a frequent traveler with children, you may not get enough trips in with your CARES harness to justify an outright purchase of the harness, when a rental costs just about 75% less than the full purchase price. If you do travel frequently enough, the CARES harness can be purchased directly from KidsFlySafe or from resellers including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Buy Buy Baby and others, while gently used CARES harnesses can also be purchased at a reduced price through us via eBay.
If you do rent, once you are done with your trip, you simply return the CARES. This not only avoids having to store it, but also the headache of having to find the CARES when you are preparing for your next trip. All you have to do is go to and set up your next rental. Cheaper than owning and no headaches, it is a win-win.